Hit the Kidneys 7

5.5 massage the abdomen
Large and Small Intestines 5
June 12, 2016
5.8 hitting kidneys to shake out sediment
Hit the area of eight sacral holes and Hiatus 8
June 12, 2016

Hit the Kidneys 7

5.7 hitting the sacrum to strengthen sciatic nerves


The kidneys act as helping to filter out waste material from the blood. If there is too much waste in the system, the kidneys cannot filter it all. The waste will tend to collect in the ducts and tubules of the kidneys, impairing their health. By hitting the kidneys’ area, we shake out the harmful sediment and help prevent kidney malfunc­tion.

  1. Bring energy to the hands, contracting the left and right sides of the anus.
  2. Locate the kidneys just above the lowest, or floating, rib in the back on either side of the spine. Make a fist and hit the kidneys with the back of the fist between the wrist and knuckles. (Fig. 5.7) Alternate hands and hit only as hard as is comfortable. This will help to shake loose the sediment, crystals, and uric acid that get caught in the kidneys. This will also strengthen the kidneys and relieve back pain.
  3. Rub your hands together to warm them. Then rub your palms up and down over the kidneys until they feel warm.