foot points
Foot Reflexology
April 27, 2016
dowsing 3
April 27, 2016


Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine based on the doctrine like cures like, a substance that causes the symptoms of a disease in healthy people would cure similar symptoms in sick people.


If a person is suffering from a disease in his psyche, this means no clinical medicine can give him any relief. In fact it may be harmful, because it will try to do something and in the process, if it does not give relief, it is bound to do some harm.  Only those medicines are incapable of causing harm which are incapable of giving any relief either.  Homoeopathy does not harm anyone, because there is no question of any relief from it either. But homoeopathy does give relief. It is incapable of providing relief but that does not mean that people do not get relief.

But to get relief is entirely a different story; to give relief is again a different story.

These two things are two separate phenomena. People do get relief because if the person is creating the disease at the level of his psyche then he needs some placebo for it. He needs some placebo for his disease, he needs some consolation, some assurance that he is not sick, but is just carrying the idea that he is sick, then he can be cured through homeopathy.


Homoeopathy goes deeper and it works on the manomaya kosh, the mind body. The founder of homoeopathy, Hahnemann, discovered one of the greatest things ever discovered, and that was; the smaller the quantity of the medicine, the deeper it goes. He called the method of making homoeopathic medicine `potentizing’ . They go on reducing the quantity of the medicine. He would work in this way: he would take a certain amount of medicine and would mix it with ten times the amount of milk sugar or with water. One quantity of medicine, nine quantities of water; he would mix them. Then he would again take one quantity of this new solution, and would again mix it with nine times more water, or milk sugar. In this way he would go on; again from the new solution he would take one quantity and would mix it with nine times more water. This he would do, and the potency would increase.


By and by, the medicine reaches to the atomic level. It becomes so subtle that you cannot believe that it can work; it has almost disappeared. That is what is written on homoeopathic medicines, the potency: ten potency, twenty potency, one hundred potency, one thousand potency. The bigger the potency, the smaller is the amount. With ten thousand potency, a millionth of the original medicine has remained, almost none. It has almost disappeared, but then it enters the most deep core of manomaya / mind body. It enters into your mind body. It goes deeper than acupuncture. It is almost as if you have reached the atomic, or even the sub-atomic level.  Then it does not touch your body. Then it does not touch your vital body; it simply enters. It is so subtle and so small that it comes across no barriers. It can simply slip into the manomaya kosh, into the mind body, and from there it starts working. You have found an even bigger authority than the pranamaya vital body.

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