In the Main system the thorax is outlined on the hands from the “life line”, and the axis line, dividing the thorax in two halves, is projected from the middle of the thumb’s base to the middle of the skin flap in the base of the wrist.
The diaphragm, separating the thorax from abdominal area, is symmetrically projected on the life line from the both sides of the axis line.
On the feet, the thorax is outlined on the ball, which forms when the thumb is bent to the foot. The diaphragm is projected on the flap, outlining this ball.
In the “Insect system” the thorax is projected on the middle phalanx of the toes.
We will pay special attention to this prescription, because of its prophylactic nature. If used on regular basis it might ensure a good health for up to old ages and can also save you the necessity to use the other prescriptions in this guide.
The contents of the procedure here is more different from the standard procedure. For that reason we describe it separately.
The prescription combines the use of su jok and traditional acupoints. Except for keeping fit, it can be also used:
The prescription is performed:
The prescription consists of two parts. The first – massage of the correspondence systems with various massagers. The second – two ancient Chinese combinations of traditional points for general reinforcement of the organism, which are alternated – in one procedure – one of the combinations, and in the next – the other. The two parts of the prescription can be performed in combination or separately.
The intensive hands’ massage activates all pain su jok points that have appeared there and has a strengthening effect on the whole organism. If a regular massage is practised, all pain points are stimulated even by their appearance, in the beginning of the disease’s development. Then a not so intensive impulse is also enough for you to overcome the disease, to stop it in its initial stage.
Continue the procedures, alternating combinations A and B.
The Zu San Li, He Gu, Nei Guan and San Yin Jiao points are considered one of the most important in the traditional acupuncture. They have a powerful strengthening and healing effect. Their periodical warming up with moxa regulates the deviations in the energy system of the organism, before they have intensified, and keeps you in a good health.
Here are some of the most distinguishing features of these points in detail, which can show you their wide spectrum of application
Zu San Li (E-36):a general strengthening point, with proved effect against brain insults, heart diseases, a main point for regulating the blood pressure (by severe forms of hypertension in some eastern countries cauterization of Zu San Li, till a blister appears, is still used today), all gastric and intestinal diseases, aches in legs and waist, diseases of the eyes, nervous system, urino-genital system, asthenia, allergic conditions, diseases of the respiratory organs, general weakness, it increases the energy in all meridians and regulates the deviations in the energy condition of the organism, it is effective by aches in the lower half of the body.
He Gu (GI-4): a general strengthening point, diseases of the nervous system, eyes, ears, nose, throat (colds), teeth, sinuses, headache, fever, gynecological diseases, diseases of the digestive system stomach aches, constipation, it is effective by aches in the upper half of the body.
Attention: He Gu should not be used by pregnant women, because it activates the uterus and can lead to a premature birth.
Nei Guan (MC-6): a general strengthening point, main point for treatment of neuroses, maniacal conditions and regulating of mental disorders. The treatises from ancient China say that this point is stimulated, „when the sick man is full of desire to kill someone”, an important point with heart diseases, diseases of the lung, stomach, it regulates the blood pressure, effective with insomnia.
San Yin Jiao (RP-6): a general strengthening point, it is effective with diseases of the digestive system – stomach, intestines, liver and pancreas, urino-genital system – kidneys, bladder, ureters, male and female genitals, diseases of the lower limbs, it regulates the blood pressure.
In the Main system the correspondence zone of the head is located on the first phalanx of the thumb, and this of the neck – on the second phalanx.
In the “Insect” system the correspondence zone of the head is located on the first phalanges of all fingers and toes. The neck is projected in a small area between the first and the second phalanx of the fingers and toes, on the joint and a bit above and below it.
Here we have presented the lower projection of the head. For treatment you can also use the upper projection. In some cases it is even more convenient, because it doesn’t lie on soft tissues and the points are easier to be found on it. You will get an idea about the position of the head organs on the upper projection from the illustration below.
Right Mammary
In the main system the abdominal area is projected on the palm and foot. The position of the diaphragm on the palm coincides with the skin flap at the wrist’s bottom. On the foot, it coincides with the contour, outlining the back side of the heel, looked from below.
In the “Insect” system the abdominal area coincides with the inner part of the proximal (third) phalanges of all fingers and toes (without the thumbs). On the thumbs the abdominal area is projected on the first bone before the wrist and the first bone before the foot. Here the abdominal area is “stratified” and coincides exactly with the correspondence zone of the thorax according to the Main correspondence system (see below image).
The back and the nape of the neck are projected on the upper part of the hand and foot.
In the Main system the projection of the back is divided into two parts. On the thumbs and the big toes the neck (on the second phalanx) and the part of the back to the 8th thoracic vertebra (on the first bone before the wrist and the first bone before the foot) are projected. The rest of the back, from the 9th thoracic vertebra downwards, is projected on the adjoining to the thumbs upper part of the palm and the foot.
In the “Insect” system the neck is projected on a small area between the first and second phalanges of the fingers and toes. On the middle phalanges of the fingers and toes the part of the back from 8th thoracic vertebra is projected, and on the proximal (third) phalanx – the part of the back from 9th thoracic vertebra downwards.
In the Main system the limbs are projected on the fingers and toes (without the thumbs).
The upper limbs are projected on the second and fifth finger (toe), and the lower – on the third and fourth finger and toe. The hands and feet are projected on the distal (first) phalanges of the fingers (toes). The forearms and shanks – on the middle phalanges of the fingers (toes). The armpits and thighs – on the proximal (third) phalanges of the fingers (toes). The knuckles correspond exactly to the joints of the hands and feet.
In the “Insect” system the limbs are presented in a bent position, on the side parts of the second and third phalanges of all the fingers and toes. The hands are projected on the side parts of the middle phalanges of the fingers (toes).
Weight Loss is possible due to the placing of magnetic pointers on correspondence zones of the esophagus and rhinopharynx so that the vector of their magnetic field to be directed against the food motion. It is recommended to use the middle fingers because the meridian of the pancreas passes there, and that has a direct influence over the appetite and digestion. Placed like this, the point magnets suppress the appetite.
The pointers are placed in the middle of the first and second phalanges of the middle fingers and are attached with an adhesive tape. They are worn during the day and removed in the evening. It is conceivable the people that are more sensitive to magnetic field to feel dizzy. In this case only one pointer is placed on each middle phalanx of the middle fingers. The pointers are placed every day till the desired weight is achieved. For best results it is normal to lose 2 kg monthly.
The author considers this method as the most efficient out of all known methods for appetite regulation – drugs, herbs, acupuncture etc. The pointers suppress the appetite and this can be felt even in the first hours after they are placed. Gradually the centre of the appetite in the brain „reprograms“ itself and starts demanding less food in conformity with the real needs of the organism. This readjustment is permanent and (in contrast to all other diets and methods for losing weight) does not change even after you’ve reached the desired weight and you’ve stopped being on a diet.
Nevertheless, keep in mind that to reduce your weight you must follow a diet, approved by a doctor, by effort of will. The magnetic pointers will just help you surmount easier the first days of the diet and to make the achieved result stable. In other case, if you rely only on the pointers and you are not ready to try hard to lose weight it will happen as it happened with my stout friend who said, “Yes, the pointers suppressed my appetite. Now I eat as before but everything seems disgusting… ”
The prescription guide consists of:
To treat yourself using the guide, you have to specify the contents of the healing procedure and to accomplish it using the correspondence zones maps of the affected organ, and when necessary you will also have to include the traditional acupuncture prescription published on the same page.
In this particular case you have two choices:
The first choice is to build the contents of the healing procedure by yourself, based on the information presented so far, the correspondence zones maps, the traditional acupuncture prescriptions and using your own intelligence.
The second one is to use the standard healing procedure.
Let’s remind in brief what you have to do in case you decide to build the contents of the healing procedure by yourself (for details refer to the corresponding section).
1. You have to select one to four correspondence zones of the diseased organ in which you have to look for pain points or areas.
Make the choice considering the basic principles used for selection of correspondence zones.
It is necessary to notice that despite the great effectiveness of those zones located on the feet, due to the better comfort and the easier definition of the correspondence zones the hands are used more often in the real practice. Primary and secondary correspondence zones are combined on both of the hands.
Besides, sometimes the use of secondary instead of the primary zones is more comfortable. Such an example is the case with the zones of the blade-bones in the Main correspondence system. The secondary zones of the blade- bones are located over a bone thus the pain points there are easier to find. That is why they are used more frequently.
2. In case of more serious and refractory chronic diseases you have to include pain points in additional correspondence zones.
These are the correspondence zones of the spinal column, the brain and internal organs, directly related to the diseased organ.
3. You have to take a decision whether you will use mirrored pain points or not.
Here you have to decide whether you will use mirrored points, besides the main su jok points and if yes, which one – horizontal or vertical. You won’t make a mistake if you include them.
4. You have to select a stimulation method of the pain points and areas.
The stimulation methods are divided conditionally in two categories:
These are diagnostic probe massage, moxa (or ice), needles, hot needles.
These are seeds, magnetic stars, magnets.
You’d better combine methods of stimulation from both of the categories.
5. According to the seriousness of the disease, use your own judgment to decide whether to include the traditional acupuncture prescription.
At this point don’t forget that the traditional acupuncture prescriptions might also be used independently.
If the making up of the healing procedure hampers you, use the standard healing procedure which we suggest in the “Prescriptions” section in the images below. It has been tested many times and the results have been excellent, including the cases of serious chronic diseases.
In some cases it is possible to feel no improvement at the time of the healing course and the disease can fade away suddenly, several days or weeks after its finish. The reason is that the stimulation upon the correspondence zones gives a push for the healing changes, which sometimes accelerate very slowly and can not be felt in the term of ten days which are needed for the procedures.
For each correspondence zone in the Main system we’ve developed a separate map.
We have shown the correspondence zones in the “Insect” system summarized on a single finger, as they are located in the same way on all fingers and toes. Slightly different is the case with the thumbs in the “Insect” system. In contrast to the other fingers, the thumbs have two phalanges – distal (first) and proximal (second). The system is projected over the first phalanx (the head and neck zone) and the second phalanx (thorax zone). The role of the third phalanx is performed by the first bone before the wrist for the hands, and the first bone before the foot for the feet (stomach zone).
The determination of the correspondence zones by the “Insect” system might hamper and confuse you. For that reason use the remaining four fingers and toes. They are fairly enough.
We have marked the correspondence zone in the following manner:
Keep in mind that in some cases the contour on the map doesn’t outline the exact borders of the correspondence zone. For example the stomach zone may be smaller for some people and larger for others according to the size of the stomach itself. That is why you must also search for the pain points around the borders outlined on the map.
We have included mostly ancient Chinese prescriptions from traditional acupoints as well as some popular contemporary prescriptions recommended by competent acupuncture specialists. These prescriptions can be used in parallel with the su jok therapy or independently.
We’ve made our best to collect combinations, consisting of acupoints whose location can be determined easily by inexperienced people.
Keep in mind that our manual is for self-treatment, so we haven’t included points on the back which can not be stimulated independently, without someone’s help (despite their high effectiveness).
The basic measuring units by the location of the acupoints are:
In the illustrations these measuring units are shown by graphical pictograms.
When you use traditional acupuncture prescriptions don’t forget the following:
The standard healing procedure consists of two parts. The first one is performed in the case of the most usual diseases. The second part is added to the first one in cases of more acute or chronic diseases.
To do this it is necessary to open the prescription guide on the corresponding page so you can become acquainted how the diseased organ’s correspondence zones are located on your hands and feet. You will have an exact idea of their location if you get a mental picture of your hand or foot in the place of the illustration.
After that outline the zones using a marker and go over them with the diagnostic probe. Mark the open pain points and warm them up with moxa.
It is advisable to use the primary correspondence zones – one on hand and one on foot (at the diseased organ’s side).
When the organ is located on the body axis, alternate the hands and feet in the separate procedures. For example: left hand – right foot in one procedure and right hand – left foot in the next one.
If it’s difficult for you to use the feet then use your both hands in each procedure.
Depending on the seriousness of the disease you may stimulate the su jok points with massage, needles or hot needles instead with moxa.
You will find the traditional acupuncture prescription on the page with the correspondence zones of the diseased organ. The location of one of the acupoints used in the prescription is shown there. You’ll find the other with the help of the references to other pages.
The “Insect” system is located likewise on all fingers and toes. For that reason there is a map of only one finger on the page containing the diseased organ’s correspondence zones. You will get an exact idea of the diseased organ’s correspondence zone location if you form a mental picture of the finger you want to use in the place of the illustration.
The magnetic stars (seeds) are put for 24 hours, till the next procedure with moxa when they are relocated on other two fingers.
Yet again it is advisable to use the primary correspondence zones of the diseased organ (one finger and a toe from the side of the diseased organ).
When the organ is located on the body axis alternate the fingers and the toes in the separate procedures. Left hand – right foot in one procedure, right hand – left foot in the next.
If you feel it’s difficult for you to use the toes, use only the fingers.
We strongly advise you not to ignore the magnetic stars (seeds). Their inclusion in the procedure is often a key to the fast overcoming of the disease.
The healing effect can increase vastly if you also put magnetic stars (seeds) on the mirrored pain points.
Massage intensively the fingers with a massage ring by concentrating the massage in the areas in which you’ve found pain points. Massage each area on the two fingers 23 times a day for 2-3 minutes. On the next day use other two fingers.
If you experience difficulties with the location of the points just do a general massage of the fingers with the ring emphasizing on the areas in which you feel pain.
For more intensive stimulation instead with the massage ring you might influence on the open pain points with the magnetic stars or seeds.
* * *
This is a standard procedure which is effective for most of the diseases. However, you might “customize” it in accordance with the particular disease’s characteristics.
For example; if you want a cyst to disappear, it is good to use a hot needle. You can also include ring-shaped magnets or magnetic pointers, which are very effective.
For the number and frequency of the procedures, which you have to perform, read above.