in case of acute or chronic diseases 1
July 16, 2016
head and neck healing 4
Head and Neck Sujok Prescription 4
July 17, 2016





We will pay special attention to this prescription, because of its prophylactic nature. If used on regular basis it might ensure a good health for up to old ages and can also save you the necessity to use the other prescriptions in this guide.

The contents of the procedure here is more different from the standard procedure. For that reason we describe it separately.

The prescription combines the use of su jok and tra­ditional acupoints. Except for keeping fit, it can be also used:

  • To make the immune system stronger in cases of various conditions which require such a thing – viral dis­eases (influenza, hepatitis etc.), preparation for surgical operations, after operation recovery etc.
  • For treatment of light, banal illnesses, regardless of their nature.
  • As an addition to main treatment with medicines, herbs etc. of more severe diseases involving a general organism disorder, when there is no clearly expressed focus of the disease or there are large areas which are affected. Its application shortens the treatment process and vastly decreases the amount of medicines taken.

The prescription is performed:

  • For keeping fit – monthly in 4 to 6 consecutive days.
  • For reinforcement of the immune system – a course of ten daily procedures.
  • For treatment of light, banal illnesses – daily, to the full disappearing  of the symptoms, plus two or three pro­cedures more, to stabilize the result.
  • If used as an addition to main treatment with medicines, herbs etc. – daily, to the end of the main treat­ment.

The prescription consists of two parts. The first – mas­sage of the correspondence systems with various massagers. The second – two ancient Chinese combinations of traditional points for general reinforcement of the organ­ism, which are alternated – in one procedure – one of the combinations, and in the next – the other. The two parts of the prescription can be performed in combination or sepa­rately.

  1. Massage for one minute two of the fingers with a massage ring and the whole hands with a massage spi­ral or cylinder.

The intensive hands’ massage activates all pain su jok points that have appeared there and has a strength­ening effect on the whole organism. If a regular massage is practised, all pain points are stimulated even by their appearance, in the beginning of the disease’s develop­ment. Then a not so intensive impulse is also enough for you to overcome the disease, to stop it in its initial stage.

  1. 2. Warm up with moxa for 10-12 each of the tradi­tional acupoints, as follows:
    3.  He Gu (GI-4) and Zu San Li (E-36) on both hands and legs.
  2. By next procedure Nei Guan (MC-6) and San Yin Jiao (RP-6) on both arms and legs.

Continue the procedures, alternating combinations A and B.

The Zu San Li, He Gu, Nei Guan and San Yin Jiao points are considered one of the most important in the traditional acupuncture. They have a powerful strength­ening and healing effect. Their periodical warming up with moxa regulates the deviations in the energy system of the organism, before they have intensified, and keeps you in a good health.

Here are some of the most distinguishing features of these points in detail, which can show you their wide spec­trum of application

Zu San Li (E-36):a general strengthening point, with proved effect against brain insults, heart diseases, a main point for regulating the blood pressure (by severe forms of hypertension in some eastern countries cauterization of Zu San Li, till a blister appears, is still used today), all gastric and intestinal diseases, aches in legs and waist, diseases of the eyes, nervous system, urino-genital system, asthe­nia, allergic conditions, diseases of the respiratory organs, general weakness, it increases the energy in all meridians and regulates the deviations in the energy condition of the organism, it is effective by aches in the lower half of the body.

He Gu (GI-4): a general strengthening point, dis­eases of the nervous system, eyes, ears, nose, throat (colds), teeth, sinuses, headache, fever, gynecological diseases, diseases of the digestive system  stom­ach aches, constipation, it is effective by aches in the upper half of the body.

Attention: He Gu should not be used by pregnant women, because it activates the uterus and can lead to a premature birth.

Nei Guan (MC-6): a general strengthening point, main point for treatment of neuroses, maniacal conditions and regulating of mental disorders. The treatises from ancient China say that this point is stimulated, „when the sick man is full of desire to kill someone”, an important point with heart diseases, diseases of the lung, stomach, it regulates the blood pressure, effective with insomnia.

San Yin Jiao (RP-6): a general strengthening point, it is effective with diseases of the digestive system – stom­ach, intestines, liver and pancreas, urino-genital system – kidneys, bladder, ureters, male and female genitals, dis­eases of the lower limbs, it regulates the blood pressure.