Ksepana Mudra 20

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May 27, 2016
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May 27, 2016

Ksepana Mudra 20

20 ksepana pouring out mudra

20 ksepana pouring out mudra


(The gesture of pouring out and letting go)


Place your index fingers flat against each other. Clasp the rest of your fingers and let the finger pads rest on the back of your hands. Cross your thumbs and place each in the hollow of the other thumb. There is a small hollow space between your hands.

When seated, point the index fingers to the ground. When lying down, point them in the direction of your feet. Completely relax both hands.

Hold this mudra for just 7 to 15 breaths and concentrate on your exhalation. Sigh deeply 3 times while you do this. Then, place your hands on your thighs with palms turned upward.


The Ksepana Mudra stimulates elimination through the large intestine, skin (perspiration), and lungs (improves exhalation), as well as removing expended energies. It should not be held for too long, because fresh energy is also caused to flow out after several breaths. In addition, it promotes the release of all types of tension.

When we find ourselves in the midst of many people, we also absorb much of their negative energy—particularly if our own energy level is too low. This mudra encourages expended or negative energy to flow away, followed by the absorption of fresh and positive energy.