29. VAJRA MUDRA (Gesture of the fiery thunderbolt)
Press your thumb onto the side of the middle fingernail, the ring finger on the other side of your middle fingernail, and the little finger at the side of your ring fingernail. Extend your index finger. Do this with each hand.
Do as needed, or three times a day for 5 minutes.
In addition, relief can be obtained by massaging the root of the nose, the center of the forehead, the back of the head, and the nape of the neck with the middle finger.
Circulation may be weakened when blood pressure is too low, or there is a weakness in the earth element, which is associated with the energy of the stomach, spleen, and pancreas, or a weak heart.
A lack of drive, listlessness, and dizziness are the consequences. With the Vajra Mudra, you can stimulate circulation. The back bends and side bends ardha chakrasana of yoga also activate these respective energies.
side stretch
ardh chakrasana
Walking at a brisk pace, listening to lively or exciting music can also give you new drive. In addition, pouring very warm or cold water onto your wrists can also help. Caution: A lack of drive can come from extreme physical or mental-emotional fatigue: rest and recuperation are then necessary. Do not use any type of stimulant in this case!
28. TSE MUDRA (Exercise of the three secrets)
Place both hands on your thighs. Put the thumb tip onto the root of your little finger. Slowly encircle your thumbs with the other four fingers while slowly inhaling through your nose. Hold your breath and form the sound of OM seven times in your head while hearing the vibration of the tone in your right ear. Then slowly exhale while drawing in the abdominal wall; open your hands again and imagine all your worries, fears, and unhappiness leaving your body.
Repeat this exercise seven to forty-nine times, but at least seven times—
This mudra chases away sadness, reduces fearfulness, turns away misfortune and bad luck, and overcomes depressions. It is known to increase personal magnetism and enhance the intuitive and mental powers.
This is exactly the hand position (thumb in the fist), many depressions are caused by the weakness of the water element or of the kidney and bladder. This element can actually be restored or recharged like a battery through specific breathing exercises such as those described above.
People who are depressed are frequently given the following advice by the friendly people around them: you should take a walk in the fresh air, do gymnastics, do yoga exercises, etc. However, depressed people often lack the strength to do these things. But since we must always breathe wherever we are, even in the deepest depression, we can at least intensify our breathing and practice the Tse Mudra. Then stretch vigorously. This works wonders!
(Hakini—god of the Forehead [6th] Chakra)
Place all the fingertips together. The Hakini Mudra can be practiced at any time. When you would like to remember something, or want to find the red thread again, place your fingertips together, direct your eyes upward, place the tip of your tongue on your gums while inhaling, and let the tongue fall again while exhaling. Then take a deep breath—and what you wanted should immediately occur to you. Moreover, when you must concentrate on something for a longer period of time, could use some good ideas, or want to remember something that you have read, this mudra can be useful. When doing mental work, don’t cross your feet. Sit with your eyes facing west. This mudra can do true wonders, and you should always keep it in the back of your mind in case of an emergency.
In terms of science, this finger position has been researched quite well; researchers have determined that it promotes the cooperation between the right and left brain hemispheres. It is also recommended today in memory training and management courses. It is said to open access to the right hemisphere, which is where the memory is stored. This mudra also improves and deepens respiration, and the brain profits from it as well. In order to recharge the brain’s energy, you can practice the Maha Bandha or use these fragrance essences—lemon, rosemary, basil, or hyssop.
Also the Hakini Mudra builds up the energy of the lungs. To activate the energy of the large intestine, shift the finger contact by one finger so that the right index finger is on the left thumb, your right middle finger is on your left index finger, etc.
You may also improve concentration and gather new mental powers by letting your gaze and thoughts rest on one object or a relaxing activity for a longer period of time. The following exercise also helps in this direction.
(Gesture of consciousness and gesture of knowledge)
Place the tip of the thumb on your index fingertip and extend your other fingers. Lay your hand on your thigh in a relaxed way. Do this with each hand.
When your fingers point up to Heaven, it is called the Jnana Mudra;
When your fingers point down to Earth, it is called the Chin Mudra.
The mudra is done in two different ways. The first way, as described above, allows the tips of your thumb and index finger to touch each other; for the second variation, the tip of your index finger touches the first thumb joint (shown in the below illustration ), and the thumb places light pressure on the nail of your index finger. The first variation is the passive receiving position; the second one is an actively giving position.
41 jnana & chin mudra 2
These are the two best-known hand positions of Hatha Yoga, and they have an effect on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level. These gestures symbolize the connected nature of hum consciousness (thumbs). The three extended fingers symbolize the three gunas—traits that keep evolution in both microcosm and macrocosm in motion: tamas (lethargy), rajas (activity), and sattwa (balance and harmony). The closed circle of the index finger and thumb depict the actual goal of yoga—the unification of Atman, the individual soul, with Brahman, the world soul.
We find this mudra in many of the Hindu portrayals of deities; in them, the right hand is raised to the heart, and the thumb and index finger, which touch each other, are facing the believer. It is the gesture of proclaiming a teaching. The Buddhists are also familiar with the gesture and call it the Vitarka Mudra (discussion gesture). With this gesture, the deity or Buddha underline the meaning of the words. Christ was also depicted on old Byzantine icons using this gesture; in Catholic liturgy, the priest makes the same gesture after the transubstantiation.
The Jnana Mudra is practiced at the heart by raising your hand to the level of the heart, letting the index finger and thumb touch. Here they should be directed inward and upward. Here they simply symbolize the wisdom of God. This is the devotion of the human being to divine wisdom and its recognition. There is also a certain tenderness in this gesture that touches my heart.
With these variations of the Jnana Mudra, we already find ourselves on the spiritual level. However, the physical effect should not be overlooked. When this gesture is employed to heal physical complaints, it makes no difference whether the Jnana Mudra or the Chin Mudra is practiced. This mudra is a universal remedy for improving states of mental tension and disorder, as well as for promoting memory and concentration. It clears the mind—and we all want to have a “clear head” in any situation. It is also used for insomnia, as well as sleepiness depression, and high blood pressure. This mudra can be combined with other mudras and enhances their effects when practiced before or after them. You can hold the gesture with just your right hand, and practice another mudra with your left hand.
This mudra activates the metal element and is associated with the color white. White is the apparent void in which fullness is concealed. White is the color of birth and death, of a new beginning and completion. White is also the color of unity and peace. White clears the mind and brings peace to the soul.
(The elephant; Ganesha, the deity who overcomes all obstacles)
This mudra stimulates heart activity, strengthens heart muscles, opens the bronchial tubes, and releases any type of tension in this area. It opens the fourth chakra and gives us courage, confidence, and openness toward other human beings.
Hold your left hand in front of your chest with the palm facing outward. Bend the fingers. Now grasp the left hand with the right hand, which has its back facing outward. Move the hands to the level of the heart, right in front of the chest. While exhaling, vigorously pull the hands apart without releasing the grip. This will tense the muscles of the upper arms and chest area. While inhaling, let go of all the tension. Repeat 6 times and then lovingly place both hands on the sternum in this position. Focus on the feeling in this part of your body. Then change the hand position: your right palm now faces outward. Repeat the exercise 6 times in this position. Afterward, remain in silence for a while.
Once a day is enough.
Repeat the same exercise, but this time keep the lower arms diagonal instead of horizontal: one elbow points upward at a slant and the other elbow points downward at a slant.
{Break of day—origin of all good things)
It gives us mental alertness, pleasure, and new impulses. In addition, it harmonizes our hormonal system.
Clasp your fingers so your right thumb lies above the left. The right thumb presses slightly on the left thumb.
Women should place the right thumb between the left thumb and index finger, pressing on it with the left thumb.
Do this every day for 5 to 15 minutes. Hold this mudra until the desired effect occurs.
No matter how old we are, there are times of change: new beginnings come repeatedly in life. The second chakra, our center of sexuality and creativity, always contains something new, a secret that wants to be aired. This mudra concentrates the sexual energy of our second chakra and directs it into the energy centers above it
The Ushas Mudra helps us wake up in the morning. When you are still sleepy and lying in bed, place your clasped hands at the back of your head. Now inhale vigorously and deeply several times; open your eyes and mouth widely; press your elbows back into the pillow. While exhaling, let go of every tension. Repeat 6 times. If this still doesn’t make you feel alert and fresh, then rub your ankle bones together, as well as the palms of your hands, as if you were trying to ignite a flintstone. Finally, you can also extend your arms and stretch vigorously, as shown on page 63.
(Dedicated to the sun god, Pushan, also the god of nourishment)
This mudra symbolizes accepting and receiving with the gesture of one hand and letting things flow, giving, and letting go with the gesture of the other. Both should be coordinated with each other in digestion. It influences the energy currents that are responsible for absorbing and utilizing food, as well as helping with elimination. It intensifies breathing and therefore the absorption of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide in the lungs. It has a relaxing effect on the solar plexus (the area of the stomach, liver, spleen, and gallbladder), regulates energies in the autonomic nervous system, mobilizes energies of elimination, and detoxifies. It has an excellent effect on general or acute nausea, seasickness, flatulence, and that sensation of fullness one feels after meals.
Right hand: The tips of the thumb, index finger, and middle finger are on top of each other; the other fingers are extended.
Left hand: The tips of the thumb, middle finger, and ring finger are on top of each other; the other fingers are extended.
Connecting the energies of the thumb, ring finger, and little finger activates the lower digestive process and the elimination process. This mudra can be called the general energy pump. It stimulates the functions of the brain, a fact that has also been proved scientifically.
The finger position of the right hand activates energy in the pelvic floor, like a smoldering fire that has been stoked. With the finger position of the left hand, the kindled energy is directed upward. Every organ, the general mood, and thinking (concentration, memory, logic, enthusiasm, etc.) are positively influenced as a result.
pushan mudra R L
These two mudras can be used as immediate help or practiced four times a day for 5 minutes in the case of chronic complaints.
Both hands: Place the little finger at the base of the thumb, the ring finger on the upper thumb joint, and the middle finger on the pad of the thumb. Extend the index finger.
For an acute attack of asthma, first use this mudra from 4 to 6 minutes and then practice the Asthma Mudra (Number 5) until breathing has become normal again. For a long-term treatment, hold both mudras for 5 minutes, five times a day.
People with respiratory problems often also suffer from inner loneliness, isolation, sexual problems, and sadness. To the outside world, these feelings are often successfully played down with humor. Or these individuals bind themselves to others by taking on their duties and concerns. This naturally causes a great deal of stress so that these individuals are pressed for time and out of breath. Be aware of negative feelings, which are like waves on the surface of the water—they arise and then pass on. The reason for such feelings is often a general weakness that is caused by shallow breathing since improper respiration doesn’t build up the inner reservoir of strength. When it is reduced, weakness occurs not only on the physical level but also in the mental-emotional area. Fear, sadness, discontentment, exaggerated sensitivity, etc., are the consequences.
In yoga, every breathing exercise and physical exercise builds up this inner strength and keeps up the energy level (practice for at least 30 minutes every day—you can find the appropriate sequence of mudra exercises. The following mudra meditation is also effective. Sit upright and hold your hands about 4 inches away from your body. When your arms get tired, place the hands on your thighs.
Both hands: Press together the fingernails of the middle fingers and keep other fingers extended.
In case of an acute asthma attack, first do the Bronchial Mudra (Number 4) for 4 to 6 minutes. Then use this Asthma Mudra until the breathing calms down. For long-term treatment, use these two mudras five times every day for 5 minutes.
During cold weather, never breathe through your mouth because the bronchial tubes will become inflamed and congested.
Try not to be in a hurry because every incidence of stress activates the adrenal glands. Adrenaline promotes the congestion and constriction of the bronchial tubes.
Eat a light diet with little meat; meat once a week is enough.
No milk products, tomatoes, hot peppers, or kiwi. No smoking should be obvious.
• Don’t take medications that weaken the immune system, such as antibiotics.
• Get enough fresh air by taking long walks. Do yoga or gymnastics every week and get enough rest.
Most people who suffer from breathing difficulties are familiar with inner loneliness (too much detachment from the surrounding world) and/or cannot set boundaries. Consequently, they feel themselves plagued by other people’s duties and problems (too little detachment).
6. PRAN MUDRA (Life Mudra)
The Pran Mudra activates the root chakra, in which the elemental force of a human being is found. I like to compare this place with a fire that is either ablaze or just glows quietly. How brightly the fire burns depends on how well we tend it. This finger position stimulates the nourishing energy in the pelvic floor.
The Pran Mudra generally increases vitality, reduces fatigue and nervousness, and improves vision. It is also used against eye diseases. On the mental-emotional level, it increases our staying power and assertiveness, healthy self-confidence, gives us the courage to start something new, and the strength to see things through. Clear eyes are also a sign of a mental outlook emphasizing clarity and a clear mind, which means clearly structured thoughts and ideas.
Nervousness is usually a sign of weakness, of too much distraction and too little inner stability. The Pran Mudra—combined with a conscious, slow, and gentle way of breathing—has the effect of being as stabilizing and calming as a secure anchor.
With each hand: Place the tips of the thumb, ring finger, and little finger together. The other fingers remain extended.
As needed, use for 5 to 30 minutes. Or, as a course of treatment, do three times a day for 15 minutes.
According to Kim da Silva, when you do the Pran Mudra you can also put your thumb onto the fingernails of the other two fingers instead of on their tips. This has the effect of causing both the right and left brain hemispheres to function equally, become active, and mutually complement each other, which is very important for holistic health.
Place both palms together and clasp your fingers. One thumb should remain upright; encircle it with the thumb and index finger of your other hand.
Do as needed or three times a day for 15 minutes.
This finger position increases the powers of resistance against coughs, colds, and chest infections. It also loosens mucus that has collected in the lungs. In addition, it is very useful for people who suffer from respiratory complaints when the weather changes. It also increases the body temperature and is particularly suited for people who don’t develop a fever that is high enough. Fever is important because many bacteria within the body can only be killed when it reaches a certain temperature.
The Linga Mudra can, according to Keshav Dev, also help reduce weight. However, for this purpose it must be done with particular care three times a day for 15 minutes. Also drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, and mainly eat cooling foods, such as yogurt, rice, bananas, and citrus fruits.
If the Linga Mudra is done too long, a feeling of sluggishness and lethargy may occur. This is a sign that you should shorten the length of this exercise and consume more cooling foods and drinks.
In order to stimulate your immune system and increase body temperature, you can practice the following exercise before doing the Linga Mudra. It is appropriately called “Throwing the Illness Behind You.” Then do the Linga Mudra while sitting or lying down until you feel very hot.
Basic position:
Stand up; legs are slightly spread, knees bent somewhat, and hands are in front of the chest.
Throw your arms behind you, turn your head to the right, and look over your shoulder.
Return your hands to your chest and turn your head to the front.
Repeat at least ten times.
8. APAN MUDRA (Energy Mudra)
With each hand: Place the thumb, middle finger, and ring finger together—extend the other fingers.
When needed, do for 5 to 45 minutes or use three times a day for 15 minutes as a course of treatment.
This mudra supports the removal of waste materials and toxins from the body, as well as eliminating urinary problems. The Apan Mudra also stimulates the wood element, which is associated with the energy of the liver and gallbladder. This element also contains the power and pleasure of springtime, of new beginnings, of tackling and shaping visions of the future.
In addition, the Apan Mudra has a balancing effect on the mind, which is largely dependent upon a well-functioning liver. It gives us patience, serenity, confidence, inner balance, and harmony. In the mental realm, it creates the ability to develop vision. You need all of this when you look into the future, while facing new challenges, and if your wishes are to be fulfilled.
9. SHANKH MUDRA (Shell Mudra)
Encircle your thumb with the four fingers of your right hand. At the same time, touch the right thumb to the extended middle finger of your left hand. Together, the two hands look like a conch shell. Hold your hands in front of your sternum.
Do this as often and as long as you want. Or use it three times daily for 15 minutes as a course of treatment.
When you want to practice this mudra, you can first sing “OM” several times. Then listen within yourself, to the silence, for several minutes afterward. This mudra is used during rituals in many Hindu temples. There, the conch horn is blown in the morning to announce the opening of the temple doors. The same applies to our inner temple, in which the divine light shines—it should also be opened.
The Shell Mudra drives away every kind of problem in the throat. If you practice it regularly, especially if you chant “OM” as you do it, you can improve your voice. It also has a very calming effect and leads to silence.
10. SURABHI MUDRA (cow mudra)
The little finger of your left hand touches the ring finger of your right hand. The little finger of your right hand touches the ring finger of your left hand. At the same time, the middle fingers of both hands touch the index fingers of the other. The thumbs remain extended.
Do three times a day for 15 minutes.
The Surabhi Mudra is very effective against rheumatism and arthrosis. Since these diseases are usually chronic, or at least have existed within the person long before any outbreak or pain is perceived, this mudra must also be practiced for a longer period of time.
11. VAYU MUDRA (Wind Mudra)
With each hand bend the index finger so that its tip touches the ball of the thumb. Then press the thumb lightly onto the index finger. Extend the other fingers in a relaxed way.
For chronic complaints, do this mudra three times daily for 15 minutes; otherwise, use it until it has an effect. This position prevents “wind” (meaning flatulence), and a sensation of fullness, in all parts of the body. Ayurveda states that there are 51 types of vayu/wind in the body that produce numerous disorders. These include gout, sciatica, flatulence, rheumatism, and trembling in the hands, throat, and head. If you use the Vayu Mudra within 24 hours after an outbreak of a disorder or disease caused by vayu/ wind, you can very quickly count on improvement.
For chronic complaints, the Prana Mudra should be practiced. The Vayu Mudra must be discontinued as soon as the disease disappears.
Too much wind in the body can be caused by inner waste substances, particularly in the intestines, or inner tensions that are in turn based on states of agitation. Frequently, the normal breathing rhythm (which is different for each individual) is also disrupted.
As an additional measure, the “stomach contractor” can also be practiced. To do this, assume the “cat posture.” Inhale and lift your head little bit; exhale and lower your head again while vigorously pulling in the abdominal wall at the same time.
vayu mudra
During the pause in breathing, pull in the abdominal wall and let go of it several times. Then inhale deeply again; raise your head again.
Repeat the whole exercise number of times.
Bend the middle finger until it touches the ball of your thumb. Lightly press down on the middle finger with your thumb. The other fingers are extended. Do this with each hand.
Do as needed, or use three times daily for 15 minutes as a course of treatment.
This is a special exercise against ear and hearing problems. The Shunya Mudra can also quickly heal earaches (and almost all diseases of the ear) when used for a longer period of time. Hearing problems are related to a person who is no longer able to hear or who even doesn’t want to hear. This can be a blessing or a catastrophe. Poor hearing can protect us from unpleasant things or even from disagreeable sounds or information that find their way into us. On the other hand, we can also no longer hear beautiful things. Not wanting to hear is sometimes based on a particular kind of stubbornness that can lead to disaster. Consequently, if we are willing to scrutinize the reason for our hearing problems, this can lead us one step further toward a richer life.
The middle finger is associated with the sky (ether). This is the gateway to the higher dimensions—the gateway to Heaven. The ancient myths say, if we want to get to Heaven, we first need to be thoroughly purified.
This is why it may be appropriate to “look within” and make amends for old offenses. I know that it can sometimes be very difficult to forgive another person; but I also know that forgiveness truly opens up new gateways – gateways that lead into the light and into a lightness of the life ahead of us. It is as if we have thrown off our old burdens and then continued happily on our path.
Place the tips of the thumb and ring finger on top of each other, using light pressure. Extend the other fingers. Do this with each hand. Do as needed, or use three times a day for 15 minutes.
The Prithivi Mudra can eliminate an energy deficit in the root chakra. Whether or not you feel psychologically or physically strong and vital is largely dependent upon this energy. This finger position also intensifies the sense of smell and is good for the nails, skin, hair, and bones. If you feel uncertain of your steps while walking, the Prithivi Mudra can restore your equilibrium and trust. This mudra also activates the root chakra, in which our elemental force resides. We can compare this chakra to the grafting knot of a rose. The potential for the appearance and nature of the plant is found here; the roots sprout into the ground from this point to give the plant stability and absorb the nutrients. The stem and leaves grow upward from this point to connect with the light, to blossom and bear fruit. Without reservation, this image can be applied to human beings as well. We also need stability and nourishment to grow and be effective in our place in the world. The purpose of our lives is to connect with the Divine, which means we must also orient ourselves toward the light and open up like a flower that is being pollinated. For us, this may mean experiencing grace. So this mudra can give us everything that we need for a meaningful life. I use it when I feel insecure and need inner stability and self-assurance. Moreover, it stimulates the body temperature, the liver, and the stomach.
Bend the little finger of your right hand until the tip touches the ball of your right thumb; place the thumb of your right hand on it. Press the little finger and thumb slightly with your left thumb. At the same time, your left hand encircles the right hand lightly from below.
Do as needed, or practice three times a day for 45 minutes.
Varuna Mudra should always be done when too much mucus or secretion collects in the stomach or lungs. Congestion can settle in the frontal sinuses, lungs, and the entire digestive tract from the stomach to the large intestine. Most allergic reactions are ultimately mucous congestion triggered by specific irritating substances. When we catch a cold, we are usually in a rut in other ways as well. Mucous congestion, no matter where it occurs in the body, is always related to over stimulated nerves, inner tensions and unrest, triggered by overstraining, being pressed for time, being aggravated, or experiencing fear.
In addition to practicing the Varuna Mudra, it is always important to make a new life plan. Including other people in it is usually good! Perhaps you should rethink your tasks and obligations and reassign some of them to you partner, your child, and/or your parents. People who suffer from mucous congestion are often too conscious of responsibility and think that everything depends on them or that they must do everything alone.
Place the tip of your thumb and little finger together; extend the other fingers in a relaxed way. Do this with each hand.
Do as needed, or practice three times a day for 15 minutes as a course of treatment.
More than half our body weight consists of fluids. The Bhudi Mudra helps restore or maintain equilibrium in the fluid balance. It can be used against a dry mouth, eyes that are too dry and burning, or disorders in the kidney and bladder area. It also improves the sense of taste.
(Also called the Lifesaver: first aid for heart attacks)
Bend your index finger and let its tip touch the ball of your thumb. At the same time, the tips of the middle and ring fingers touch the tip of your thumb. Extend your little finger.
Do this with each hand.
Use as needed until you feel the effect, or practice three times a day for 15 minutes as a course of treatment.
This finger position can have a first-aid function when you use it at the first sign of a heart attack. It regulates many heart complications. In an emergency, it can even have a quicker effect than placing nitroglycerin (the most frequently used immediate remedy) under the tongue.
Heart attacks, as well as chronic heart complaints, don’t just come out of the blue. Instead, they are an indication that a person’s lifestyle must be rethought and planned differently.
This mudra can also be used for the general healing and strengthening of the heart. Heart patients are often so tied up with obligations that they no longer perceive what appears to be “senseless” from the outside. They no have no time to relax. They also have a hard time coping with stillness. something always has to be going on, and they often give so much support to something or someone at work or during their leisure time there is no room for their own needs. Yet, it is precisely these quiet moments that are the ones to nourish our souls. Permit yourself some time for the rosebud image—even if you barely have any to spare. Perhaps you can listen to some music—music that brings you a feeling of lightness—while you do so.
Right hand: The thumb, middle finger, and little finger are touching; the index finger and ring finger are extended.
Left hand: Place your thumb joint on the nail of the index finger.
Do four times a day for 4 minutes or, against acute complaints, until it has an effect.
This mudra is primarily effective when someone with a weak back has engaged in an activity (for example garden work or cleaning) that has strained the back too much and caused painful tensions, or when someone has sat too long in the wrong position. Backaches can have a great variety of causes. Most people have waste deposits and signs of wear, but these don’t necessarily have to be painful. A diseased organ whose nerves run through the spinal column can also cause pain.
Continuous mental strain, fears, meals that are too heavy, too little sleep, and/or too little exercise are other causes of pain.
This mudra can be even more effective in a position that relieves the back (see illustration).
17 back mudra posture
When doing so, keep the chin pulled in a bit so that the neck is stretched. This little bit of tension has an effect down to the small of the back. After just 20 minutes in this position, the intervertebral disks are optimally nourished once again and the metabolism operates in full swing again. Perhaps you can even do this exercise during your lunch break at the office. Then you can get through the entire day without pain. What you think while you do this is also very important, which is why the image and the affirmation are particularly significant in this position.
(Dedicated to the god of wealth, Kubera)
Place the tip of your thumb, index finger, and middle finger together. Bend the other two fingers so they rest in the middle of your hand. Do this with each hand.
The Kubera Mudra can be used for a great variety of concerns. It doesn’t matter how long it is practiced, but it does matter that you do it with intensity.
The Kubera Mudra opens and decongests (cleanses) the frontal sinuses, especially if you draw the air upward while inhaling, as if you wanted to smell the fragrance of a flower.
Many people already know it as the “Three Finger Technique” from Alpha Training12 and use it when they are looking for something specific—a free parking space, a certain dress, the right book, the necessary information, etc. Others use it when they want to put more force behind their plans for the future. It always involves goals that people want to reach, or wishes that they would like to have fulfilled. With the three closed fingers, additional strength is given to the matter and/or thought. It is obvious that something happens when the fingers of Mars (forcefulness), Jupiter (resplendence, exuberant joy), and Saturn (fixation on the essential and passing through new gateways) join forces. Putting this mudra to specific use in everyday life is quite fun. It also gives us inner repose, confidence,and serenity.
The practice is simple. In your mind, formulate your wish or goal very clearly into words. Ask your heart whether this is good for you and whether it enriches your surrounding world. Now place the three fingers together, phrase your wish in a positive way as you say it out loud three times. Press your fingers together while you do this. Done!
If this concerns a parking spot or a new dress, then the mental preparation isn’t as important; otherwise, there are no shortcuts. The following meditation and the affirmation should be done one to two times daily for several days or weeks. This mudra can work wonders, and I’m speaking from my own experience here.
Form a loose fist with both hands. Now extend your left index finger and stick it into the right fist from below. Place the pad of your right thumb on the left fingertip. Hold the mudra as low as possible in front of your abdomen. Use as needed or until the desired effect occurs. Or do it three times a day for 15 minutes.
The form of the Kundalini Mudra makes its purpose clear: This is associated with sexual force that is to be awakened or activated. It is the unification of masculine and feminine, the opposites in the polarity.
Above all, this mudra symbolizes the unification of the individual soul with cosmic soul. The four encircling fingers of the right hand symbolize the outer, perceptible world; the left index finger is our mind and soul, while the thumb represents the Divine.
Sexuality plays a significant role in Tantric Yoga as a spiritual practice. It is important to understand that our sexual organs have a major effect on moods, which is why it’s important that these organs be healthy. We should also realize that the desire for sex will change during the course of life. If a person feels no sexual desire, but feels good otherwise, then this is fine and normal. When the desire is there, it should be indulged, either with a partner or alone. This is very important because the secretion that is released in this act has a cleansing function. Bacteria, fungi, etc. that have settled in the vagina are then dissolved and washed out. Many people become ill because they don’t yield to their body’s natural needs or because they stress themselves by trying to force their bodies to feel desire.
(The gesture of pouring out and letting go)
Place your index fingers flat against each other. Clasp the rest of your fingers and let the finger pads rest on the back of your hands. Cross your thumbs and place each in the hollow of the other thumb. There is a small hollow space between your hands.
When seated, point the index fingers to the ground. When lying down, point them in the direction of your feet. Completely relax both hands.
Hold this mudra for just 7 to 15 breaths and concentrate on your exhalation. Sigh deeply 3 times while you do this. Then, place your hands on your thighs with palms turned upward.
The Ksepana Mudra stimulates elimination through the large intestine, skin (perspiration), and lungs (improves exhalation), as well as removing expended energies. It should not be held for too long, because fresh energy is also caused to flow out after several breaths. In addition, it promotes the release of all types of tension.
When we find ourselves in the midst of many people, we also absorb much of their negative energy—particularly if our own energy level is too low. This mudra encourages expended or negative energy to flow away, followed by the absorption of fresh and positive energy.
21. RUDRA MUDRA (Ruler of the solar plexus chakra)
Place the tips of your thumb index finger, and ring finger together. Extend the other two fingers in a relaxed way. Do this with each hand.
Use as needed, or three to six times a day, for 5 minutes.
The Rudra Mudra can be used by people who have experienced heart complaints, dizziness, the descent of interior organs, or general states of exhaustion.
Imagine that you are sitting at the center of a wheel, close to the hub. The wheel can turn as much as it wants, but this has no effect on you. However, when you leave the center and sit on one of the spokes or at the edge, you must use all of your strength to avoid losing your stability. This applies to all situations in life. When we are not centered, meaning when we are “beside” ourselves, this creates all types of tense states. One individual may have tension in the stomach, another person has tension in the neck, back, pelvis, or chest.
According to the Five Element Theory, the centering force is associated with the earth element (see Appendix C), which rules the energy of the stomach, spleen, and pancreas. The Rudra Mudra strengthens the earth element and its organs. If the chi (the Chinese term for elemental energy) suffers a distinct decrease because of weakened earth energy, there will also be a diminished supply to the head area as a result. Consequently, the person feels listless, heavy, weighed down, or even dizzy. Such a state of weakness can be relieved or even completely eliminated with this mudra.
The following image will center your mind by concentrating it on a point, which then increases the power of centering and strengthens body, mind, and soul.
Clasp your thumbs and place your hands, right hand on top of the left hand, on your lower abdomen. Remain in this position for about 10 breaths and then slide your hands up to your navel. Stay there for another 10 breaths. Then place your hands on the pit of your stomach and remain again for about 10 breaths. In conclusion, place your left hand on your sternum, turn your hands in the direction of your shoulders, and spread your fingers.
Do as needed, or three times a day for 4 minutes.
Garuda, the king of birds and of the air, is the enemy of the snakes. This is the powerful and mighty bird that Vishnu rides. Birds generally have sharp eyes, a distinct sense of orientation, and strong survival instincts. Large birds have such an enormous wing span and so much strength in their wings that they can let themselves be carried by the wind.
The Garuda Mudra is very powerful and should be dosed well. This mudra activates blood flow and circulation, invigorates the organs, and balances energy on both sides of the body. Whether in the pelvic or chest area, it invigorates and stimulates. It relaxes and relieves pain related to menstrual complaints, stomach upsets, and respiratory difficulties. It also helps people deal with exhaustion and mood fluctuations. Caution is advised for those who have high blood pressure.
First clench both fists and hold them in front of your chest (basic position). While inhaling, stretch the right arm to the right and point the index finger upward. At the same time, stretch your left arm to the left. Hold this tension for 6 breaths and then return to the basic position. Repeat six times on both sides.
For serious chronic constipation, do four times a day. For light constipation, repeat six to twelve times in the morning and at noon. When traveling or in acute cases, practice every morning before rising for 5 to 10 minutes while comfortably lying in bed.
suchi mudra posture
Then hold Mudra Number 24 for several minutes. The Suchi Mudra often helps the first time you do it. If you practice it in the morning at 7, you can usually “unload” before 9.
24 mushti mudra
Yogis have always been quite concerned about daily elimination and intestinal cleansing. Un-wellness, spite, impatience, violent temper, wanting to cling to everything—the cause for all these unpleasant feelings is often full, and therefore stressed, intestines.
Bend your fingers inward and place your thumbs over the ring fingers. Do this with each hand. Do as needed, or three times a day for 15 minutes.
The Mushti Mudra activates the liver and stomach energy, promotes digestion, and helps cure constipation.
When we show someone our fist, the other person understands this gesture and will react with fear, flight, or counterattack. But this will hardly solve the problem. Unfortunately, this is why aggression has become so disreputable, and many people suppress it to the extent that they hardly even perceive it around them. Immediately living out every aggression in a wild way certainly isn’t good either, but neither is suppressing it.
We can reduce aggression to a large extent when we find out its cause. There is blind fury and righteous anger—but there are worlds between them. The cause of many physical complaints, such as a weak liver, problems with digestion or constipation, tension, heart complaints, etc., are related to suppressed or uncontrolled aggression. Most aggression is based on not being able to say “no,” not being able to set boundaries, letting oneself be driven into a corner, etc. The basic evil is fear.
When aggression arises, it should be let out in the foreseeable future. Make vigorous fists and punch pillows with them, jog, stomp, dance, or even clean the house! Then look for the cause of the aggression and develop a strategy as to how its trigger can be eliminated. Many problems can be cleared up by discussing them.
Fold your hands in front of your solar plexus (stomach area), point both middle fingers and place against each other. Direct your attention to the breath in the solar plexus or stomach area.
Do as needed, or three times a day for 4 minutes.
This mudra strengthens the breathing impulse in the solar plexus and balances the energies in this area. It stimulates the wood element, which represents new beginnings, and the earth element, which gives life its depth. The heart, stomach, liver, duodenum, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, and kidneys profit from the Matangi Mudra. An excited heart becomes noticeably more calm, and inner tension (such as diverse spasms or sensations of fullness) that hamper digestion are resolved. This mudra also relieves vague pain and tension in the jaw.
26. MAHASIRS MUDKA (Large head mudra)
The tips of your thumb, index finger, and middle finger touch each other. Place your ring finger into the fold of the thumb and keep your little finger extended. Do this with each hand. Do as needed, or three times every day for 6 minutes.
Headaches have a great variety of causes and can hardly be made to disappear once and for all with one single mudra. Frequently, weather influences or tension in the eyes, neck, back, or pelvis are at fault; or there are problems with the sinuses or digestion. All of this can result in too much energy being focused on the head, and this leads to tension that causes pain in the head. In order to release this tension, it is important to direct consciousness into other body parts (abdomen, feet, or hands). The Mahasirs Mudra balances energy, has a tension-relieving effect, and eliminates mucous congestion in the frontal sinuses.
If you have the time to lie down, try out these additional measures against headaches. Dip a washcloth in water that has some vinegar added to it, lie down, and place the washcloth on your feet. The soles, the backs of the feet, and the toes should be packed well. Now massage up and down your neck by vigorously pressing your index and middle fingers into the middle of the nape of your neck, then massage both frontal eminences (bunps on both sides of the forehead), and finally form the Mahasirs Mudra with your fingers.
30. BHRAMARA MUDRA (The bee)
Place your index finger in the thumb fold, and the tip of your thumb on the side of your middle fingernail. Extend your ring and little fingers. Do this with each hand.
Do four times a day for 7 minutes. If you have more time, you can hold the Bhramara Mudra up to eight times a day for about 20 minutes.
The name of this mudra comes from Indian dance and represents the bee. Today we use bee products against allergies, and this mudra has the same effect. The cause of allergies is a weakened immune system and/or intestinal flora that has also been affected. For example, antibiotics and many other medications harm the intestinal flora. The effects are mucous congestion in the frontal sinuses, bronchial tubes, and intestinal tract, not to mention a great variety of rashes. A change of weather, pollen, and animal hairs are often just the triggers, but not the actual cause.
It is best for people who have allergies to eat little or not to eat tomatoes, hot peppers, kiwis, and strawberries, and they should not drink milk.
To strengthen the immune system, a routine program of yoga, jogging, or hiking is helpful. Reducing stress and getting enough rest is also important. Treating it with healing earth can restore the healthy intestinal flora.
Enemas are very effective, and not as complicated as they may seem. Hang a water container (or special enema bag available from the drugstore) above the bathtub, fill it with lukewarm sage or chamomile tea, kneel down in the bathtub in the cat posture
vayu mudra
and gently guide the (lubricated) end of the hose into the anus. Then let all the tea water run into the large intestine. The rest will take care of itself. Repeat three times and then rest for a while. It is best to do the enema every other day during one week. That should suffice for several months at a time.
People with allergies often have a cleanliness mania, or they are afraid of contagious diseases. Become aware of your fears and work on dissolving them by taking a mental look at what triggers fear.
31. UTTARABODHI MUDRA (Mudra of the highest enlightenment)
Place both hands folded in front of your solar plexus, at the level of your stomach. Lay the respective index fingers and thumbs on each other. Point your index fingers upward to the ceiling, and your thumbs downward to the floor or stomach. If you are lying down, the tips of your thumbs may lie at the lower end of your sternum.
The Uttarabodhi Mudra can be held anywhere, at any time, and for as long as you want. You can use this mudra when you feel physically and mentally listless, when you want to relax, or when you need a rousing idea—a flash of inspiration.
The Uttarabodhi Mudra strengthens the metal element, which is associated with the energy of the lungs and large intestine. It strengthens inhalation; and since the heart and upper lung areas are particularly opened when this mudra is done, it has a refreshing effect. The metal element has a direct relationship with the nervous system and anything that conducts electrical and/or energetic impulses. These are both the internal and external paths that connect human beings with the surrounding world and the cosmic forces. The metal element conducts the universal life force, also called chi or prana, from the outside to the inside and is also responsible for charging the inner power reservoirs.
Place each thumb on the inner edge of the third joint of your ring finger. Do this with each hand. At least once a year, we should all plan a detoxification treatment. It makes no difference whether this is done at a beautiful spa or at home. The important thing is to pamper yourself, and allow yourself rest during this time, while still getting some exercise (walking, yoga, breathing exercises). A rice or potato treatment has a very efficient but gentle effect. For three to five days, eat easily digestible bread with herb tea made of stinging nettle (Urtica dwica L.) in the morning; for lunch and dinner, have a meal of rice or potatoes and steamed leaf vegetables. Drink tea or water between meals. Do an enema (11 cat posture) every second day and occasionally support the detoxification process with a compress.
vayu mudra cat posture
For example, a potato compress is quite easy to use and practically draws the toxins out of the body. It can be used to support general cleansing by placing it on the liver or any other body parts that hurt. Boil the potatoes in their skins and mash with a fork, wrap in a cotton towel, and place on the body; wrap a warm towel around the body and the potato sack. Leave the compress on the respective spot for about 30 minutes.
During the detoxification days, lie down to rest often. This is the time to use this mudra for supporting the detoxification process. It is important to consider the things, in addition to waste materials and toxins, you are willing to let go of—bad memories, old grudges, bad habits, negative character traits, fears, etc. This will make room for something new.
(In honor of Shakti, the goddess of life energy)
Place your ring fingers and little fingers together. The other fingers are loosely bent over your thumbs which are placed in your palm. Focus on your breathing in the pelvic area, and slow down exhalation somewhat.
Do as needed, or three times a day for 12 minutes.
The Shakti Mudra intensifies the respiratory impulse in the lower chest area. You can increasingly perceive breathing in the pelvic area. It has a calming effect and will help you fall asleep at night. If it is done too often or held for too long, it may also lead to lethargy. It can bring pleasant relaxation to the pelvic area. As a result, it can counteract spasms in the intestines or even menstrual complaints.
• Practice this mudra in a slightly different form before trying to sleep. If you sleep on your sides, you can take a corner of the pillow between your hands, place the little fingers and ring fingers together, and let the others lay on or beneath the pillow.
• Bend one hand back and slowly turn it to the left and to the right six times; then do the other hand; then one foot, and then the other.
• Moisten the outer and inner sides of your legs with a wet cloth; go to bed without drying them.
34. MAHA SACRAL MUDRA (Large pelvis mudra)
Place your ring finger pads together, with your little fingers on the thumbs. Hold this hand position for 10 breaths. Now place the pads of your little fingers together and place your ring fingers on your thumbs.
Also hold this variation for 10 breaths.
Do as needed, or three times a day for 7 minutes.
This wonderful mudra helps handle complaints in the lower abdomen; it is particularly good against pain during menstruation. It can also bring relief for inactive intestines, intestinal spasms, or bladder and prostate complaints, since it has a relaxing and energy-balancing effect.
While holding this mudra, you can additionally practice the Maha Bandha (image maha banda)
maha banda
ten to thirty times. Repeat several times each day- This exercise can naturally also be practiced while sitting on the toilet. The secret afflictions of many people are bladder weakness, hemorrhoids, and atony or tension in the area of the bladder and anus. These problems can be relieved by training the PC muscle. As an additional measure against weakness of the bladder and anal sphincter, Viparita Karani (image mudra) can be used.
viparita karni mudra
Problems with elimination are often also accompanied by mental and emotional difficulties about letting go in general, or with fear of having to go through something. You can build up positive patterns in this respect with the following image.
(Makara—the name of a crocodile in Indian mythology)
Place one hand inside the other. Extend the thumb of your lower hand through the little finger and ring finger of the other and place in the middle of the palm of your upper hand. This hand’s thumb and the tip of your ring finger touch each other.
Do this three times a day for 4 to 10 minutes.
Within the shortest amount of time, the crocodile can mobilize tremendous strength, which it has built up during its endlessly long resting periods. Human beings also have reserves of strength that are restored during phases of rest. This mudra activates kidney energy, which is related to this reserve of strength. Feeling listless, depressed, and dissatisfied—as well as having black rings under your eyes—usually indicates a reduced supply of energy. In addition to walking in the fresh air, and getting ear massages, the breathing exercises of yoga are also helpful here. I have found the complete yoga breath—which can be practiced while standing, walking, sitting, or lying down—to be quite effective. To do this, breathe in deeply, arch your abdominal and chest area forward, draw up your shoulders. Hold your breath for several seconds and then slowly exhale. At the end of the exhalation, pull in the abdominal wall a bit so that even more air is squeezed out. When doing this, be sure to hold the pauses after inhalation and exhalation for several seconds. Despite this, keep the breath slow, regular, and fine. This mudra has a calming and centering effect, giving you a sense of security and confidence.
Place the four fingers on your thumbs and put your fingertips on the part of your body that needs more energy. Do this with each hand.
Do as needed, or five times a day for 5 minutes.
This energy-giving and relaxing mudra is placed on the organ or body part that hurts, or that feels weak or tense. This is like directing a laser ray of regenerating energy to the respective body part or organ that needs healing.
Samuel West, an American scientist and healer, uses the Mukula Mudra when he wants to electrically recharge an organ, and has been very successful with this method. He was able to prove that every health disorder, as well as many un-definable pains, is caused because the respective electrical field is too weak. According to West, the fingers should be placed on the various organs as follows:
Always do a complete yoga breath while you do this. After inhaling, place your fingers on the body do not inhale, only after lifting your hands only you should inhale.
Lungs: Place your fingers on the right side and left side, about 2 inches below the collarbone.
Stomach: Place the fingers of both hands directly beneath the sternum.
Liver and gallbladder Place your left hand at the lower end of the sternum. With your right hand, stroke 21 times across the ends of the ribs on the right side, as if you wanted to light a match.
Spleen and pancreas: Place your right hand at the lower end of the sternum- With your left hand, stroke 21 times across the ends of the ribs on the left side, as if you wanted to light a match.
Kidneys: Place the fingers of both hands about two inches above the waist on the back.
Bladder: Place the fingers of both hands on the right and left side of the abdomen, next to the pubic bone.
Intestines: Place the fingers of one hand on the navel and, from right to left, draw a circle that becomes increasingly larger (like a spiral).
Right hand: Thumb and ring finger together.
Left hand: Thumb and middle finger together.
Do as needed, or four times a day for 15 minutes.
In case of illness, the mudra should be held six times a day for 30 minutes. This mudra balances energy in your joints. It is very good for knees when it is sore after a hike, especially walking down mountains, or when worked too long at the computer and have an unpleasant feeling of elbows.
There are many dynamic yoga exercises you can use to help against joint pain. A wonderful exercise for all the joints is the Little Bear (see illustration).
37 joint mudra posture
It is important to do the circles very loosely and slowly. Slow down the flow of your breath when you do the movements.
Lie on your back, draw your chin in slightly, and hug your knees. Then move the legs and arms into a vertical position.
(Dedicated to the deity Kalesvara, who rules over time)
Place the finger pads of your middle finger together; touch the first two joints of the index fingers and touch your thumbs. Bend your other fingers inward. Point your thumbs toward your chest and spread your elbows to the outside.
Inhale and exhale slowly 10 times. Then observe your breath and lengthen the pause after inhalation and after exhalation a little bit more.
The Kalesvara Mudra calms the flood of thoughts; it calms agitated feelings. The more calm we become, the longer the time periods between the thoughts. We become more clear; we make new observations about ourselves; we can seek and find solutions.
This mudra can also be used to help change character traits, support memory and concentration, or eliminate addictive behavior. It should be practiced at least 10 to 20 minutes a day for these purposes.
As long as we live, we work on our character traits, much like a stonecutter hews a sculpture out of a lump of stone. This shouldn’t be a battle, but loving and understanding guidance that pushes us in the right direction. As unpleasant and uncomfortable as had character traits, habits, or addictions may be, they also help us progress when we overcome them.
(Energy-charging Mudra)
Place your right hand, with thumb extended upward, on top of your left hand, which is shaped like a bowl. Hold the fingers of your left hand close together.
Position your hands at the level of the abdomen, with your elbows pointing outward and slightly forward.
Do as often as you like, or two times a day for 4 minutes.
The right hand in this mudra symbolizes the masculine force— Shiva’s phallus. Shiva embodies the destructive and transformative aspect of the highest deity in Indian mythology. Just as the phallus is the symbol of a new beginning, Shiva is the deity who makes this new beginning possible in the first place by destroying something, thereby creating the necessary preconditions. If, for example, flowers wouldn’t wilt, there would also be no fruit. Or, if the spent cells within us were not destroyed, there would be proliferations. It is an eternal cycle and must function perfectly within us on the physical and mental-emotional levels. An inner force keeps it going, and each of us has this force within our reservoir, which is associated with the water element (see Appendix C). The breath nourishes this reservoir of energy. This is why the optimal quality of the breath (see page 13) is so important. The water element has its effect on the outer edge of the hand and the palm, and the thumb is like an inflow for energy, which is absorbed through the lungs.
3 breathing mudra
This mudra can be used against tiredness, dissatisfaction, listlessness, and depression. Or we can use it when we feel drained because of long periods of tension or strain. You can do it while you are waiting, such as while waiting for the doctor’s findings. This mudra helps the healing process, no matter where we are sick. In terms of healing, this mudra is responsible for many more wonders than people know. Keep this fact in the back of your mind when you need healing.
As the name already implies, during this mudra the fingers are not held still, but are moved.
During each exhalation, place one of your fingertips on the tip of your thumb; while inhaling, extend the fingers again. Speak a syllable mantra while doing this (see example below). Do this with each hand. (You can start on the exhale as you can only inhale when you have exhaled.)
During “saaa,” press together the thumb and index finger;
During “taaa,” use middle finger and thumb;
During “naaa,” use ring finger and thumb;
During “maaa,” use little finger and thumb.
When you do it the second time, press your fingernail instead of your fingertip with your thumb.
During the third time, press your whole finger with the thumb. At the same time, press your fingertip into the palm of the hand.
This mudra can be practiced every day for 5 to 30 minutes.
When we were children, we played finger games in which the individual fingers were pressed, bent, or extended according to the lines of a nursery rhyme. Today, physical therapists and educators use these hand exercises for speech and/or learning difficulties. This is a wonderful mudra for promoting brain activity and relaxing the nerves. It promotes concentration and creates inner relaxation. Please be sure that you breathe slowly, that you inhale and exhale evenly and in a relaxed way.
Mudras, or gestures, as commonly understood in yoga, are hand posture that complement asanas, physical postures and pranayama, breath control, as part of the external or bahiranga yoga practices. Mudras complete the energy circuit of the body in different ways. Each finger of the hand represents different elements of energy, such as space, air, fire, water and when brought together in different finger combinations and different levels of the body and different postures, theses mudras induce different energy levels.