• Lay on your back with feet propped up at hip’s width.
• Inhale: Raise the buttocks and the back.
• Hold breath: Vigorously contract the anal sphincter and tense the musculature of the pelvic floor
(Ashwini Mudra).
• Exhale and once again let go of the tension.
• Repeat a number of times and then lower your back while exhaling.
Strengthens and firms the outer and inner muscles in area of anus and entire pelvic floor. Prevents atony (slackness) of outer anal sphincter, from which many older people suffer.
Form the hands into Atmanjali (Mudra Number 42).
• At first, remain calm, standing for several breaths, while you collect yourself in the heart center.
• Inhale: Stretch your arms upward.
• Exhale: Bring your hands back to your chest, bend your knees and squat down.
• Inhale: Come back up, and stretch your arms upward.
• Exhale.
• Repeat a number of times.
Effect: Calms and collects the mind; warms up the body.
• Stand on the right leg; bend the left leg.
• Form your right hand into the gesture to turn away fear (Mudra Number 46) and form the gesture of mercy (Mudra Number 47) with the left hand.
• Remain in this position for 10 breaths.
•Change the leg position and remain in this pose for another ten breaths.
Strengthens inner stability and self-assurance. Gives us the courage to show the goodness of our hearts.
YOGA MUDRA (Seal of unity)
So that you can sit comfortably and bend forward as far as possible, it may be necessary to place a thick, stable cushion beneath your buttocks.
• Sit with your legs crossed, hands on your back, with one hand encircling the other.
• Inhale: The consciousness travels from the root chakra to the forehead chakra.
• Hold breath: Keep concentrating on the forehead chakra for several seconds.
• Exhale: Bend forward and direct your consciousness from the forehead chakra back down to your root chakra.
• Hold breath: Keep concentrating on the root chakra for several seconds.
• Inhale: Sit up straight and direct the consciousness from the root chakra to the forehead chakra again.
• Exhale.
• Repeat 6 times until it becomes a flowing movement.
• Now cross your legs the other way, encircle the other hand, and repeat the whole exercise again 6 times.
This mudra “massages” the lower abdominal organs, which are responsible for numerous complaints, such as digestive disorders, constipation, menstrual complaints, and bladder problems. The individual vertebra are separated from each other, whereby the spinal nerves that emerge from the vertebra are gently stretched and stimulated. These nerves connect the entire body with the brain so this vitalization has an effect on overall health. The solar plexus chakra, which is considered one of the most important sources of energy, is stimulated to a special degree. The Yoga Mudra also helps reduce pent-up aggravation and tension, giving a person inner repose and peace. It makes the nadis, the subtle energy channels, permeable so that the elemental force from the root chakra can rise upward.
• Place left hand on right knee, and stretch your right arm to the back.
• Inhale and turn to the right while doing so.
• Press your right shoulder as far as possible to the back and look over your shoulder.
• Remain in the twist for 15 breaths.
• Exhale and return to the middle while doing so.
• Raise your arms upward, stretch vigorously, and twist to the other side. The upward twist at the conclusion is very important.
• Change your leg position, twist to both sides again, then stretch upward through the middle a number 0f times.
This massages the ganglia and organs; it strengthens the nervous system, liver, spleen, pancreas, and gallbladder; it stimulates the metabolism in the vertebra, and it stretches and squeezes the ligaments and muscles along the spinal column.
• Assume the seated meditation posture.
• Prop up one hand on each side.
• Inhale: Lift your right arm and stretch vigorously upward.
• Hold breath: Pull your arm to the left.
• Exhale: Lower arm to side and prop up your hand again.
• Repeat six times; then practice on the other side.
Change your leg position, then bend again on both sides.
Supports effect of the previous exercise of massaging the ganglia and organs; it strengthens the nervous system, liver, spleen, pancreas, and gallbladder; it stimulates the metabolism in the vertebra, and it stretches and squeezes the ligaments and muscles along the spinal column.
TADAGI MUDRA (Pond seal)
• Assume an upright seated posture with legs extended; place your fingers on your toes, and draw in
your chin somewhat.
• Inhale: Arch the abdominal wall outward as far as possible.
• Hold your breath for a few seconds, and then concentrate on the solar plexus chakra. Slowly exhale and relax your entire body.
• Inhale and exhale in a relaxed way one more time, then repeat the entire exercise ten times.
An excellent exercise for all the organs, especially for the stomach, lungs, and intestines.
MAHA MUDRA (Large seal)
• Sit with spread and extended legs. Place your left foot on your right thigh and then touch your fingers to your toes or leg. Draw your chin in vigorously and keep your back straight (don’t stoop).
• Now do the Maha Bandha three times.
• And then remain in this position for 20 more breaths.
• In conclusion, bend your leg, hug it, and relax. Place your forehead on the knee and rest for 10 breaths.
• Straighten up again, change your leg position, and practice on the other side.
This mudra causes the most important energy channels to flow better, and it stimulates the organs of the abdomen and pelvis.
Remain completely relaxed in the forward bend for a number of breaths. Let your upper body be supported by your legs, and allow your head to hang down in a relaxed way.
The blood circulation in the pelvis is intensified; repose, relaxation, and a sense of being centered arise. This is the position of self-communion.
PASHINI MUDRA (Noose seal: simplified form)
• Draw your knees to the chest, wrap your arms under the hollow of your knees, and place your palms
on the ears.
• Hold (a) the position for 10 breaths and then remain in the fetus position (b) for a few seconds.
Calms the nerves and regulates the thyroid gland.
•Lie in a supine position, with your legs propped up at hip’s distance.
•Inhale: Bring knees to chest and then bring your legs into the vertical position. Support the pelvis with your hands.
•During the first breath, concentrate on the solar plexus chakra; during the second, on the heart chakra; during the third, on the throat chakra; during the forth, on the solar plexus chakra again, and so on.
•Hold the position for 12 to 36 breaths.
•Exhale: Bend knees and bring to forehead; then carefully and slowly return to the floor so you are lying on your back.
Improves blood circulation in the entire body and has a cleansing effect on the lungs, bladder, and intestines.
KARTARI MUDRA (Resting position)
• Lie in a supine position; place your hands next to your body or on your abdomen, with the right hand on top of the left.
• Now inhale deeply and arch the abdominal wall. As soon as the abdomen is full, slide your hands to your ribs and expand this region. When your ribs are spread as much as possible, slide your hands to the collarbone and raise the area above the chest.
• Slowly exhale and repeat the process a number of times. With each exhalation, let yourself become heavier and heavier. Release your weight to the supporting floor. While inhaling, let yourself be filled
with lightness and light; while exhaling, let go of everything heavy and dark within you. At the close, you are full of light, freedom, peace, and joy.
Improves and deepens breathing, regenerates the autonomic nervous system (organ activity), and relaxes the entire body.
A few of the body positions in Hatha Yoga are also called mudras. Mudras and yoga postures are combined for the beneficial use of self healing.