More Energy to Organs & Glands and increase Massage Effect by Pulling Anus

3 kneading
Self-Massage 14
June 2, 2016
yoga for health
Yogasana Basic Knowledge
June 8, 2016

More Energy to Organs & Glands and increase Massage Effect by Pulling Anus

2.10 drop and circle energy around organs

2.10 drop and circle energy around organs

  • 2.7 left part in the female

    D Left Part of Anus 6

    The left part of the Anus chi is connected with the organ energies of :-

    the left ovary,

    the large intestine,

    the left kidney,

    adrenal gland,


    left lung and

    left hemisphere of the brain

    Figure 2.6 and 2.7

    First pull up in the middle

    and pull up to the left side

    2.6 left part of anus in the male

    2.6 left part of anus in the male

  • 2.1 anus five regions

    Five regions of Anus 1

    The Anus is divided into 5 regions:-

    A. Middle
    B. Front
    C. Back
    D. Left
    E. Right

  • 2.2 middle part of anus

    A Middle Part of Anus 2

    A. Middle Part

    The middle of the anus chi is connected with the organs as follows:-

    The vagina-uterus,

    The aorta and vena cava,

    The stomach,

    The heart,

    The thyroid and parathyroid glands,

    The pituitary gland,

    The pineal gland and

    The top of the head.

    Fig. 2.2 and 2.3

    2.3 left part of the anus

    2.3 left part of the anus

  • 2.3 left part of the anus

    B Front part of Anus 3

    The front part of the anus chi is connected with the following organs:-

    The prostate gland,


    small intestine,


    thymus gland and

    front part of the brain

  • 2.5 back part of the anus

    C Back Part of Anus 4

    The back part of the anus chi is connected with the organ energies of:-

    The sacrum

    Lower Lumbar,

    the twelve thoracic vertebrae,

    the seven cervical vertebrae and

    the small brain (cerebellum)

    As in figure 2.5

    Pull the middle up

    Pull toward the front

  • left part of the anus

    D Left Part of Anus 5

    The left part of the Anus chi is connected with the organ energies of :-

    the left ovary,

    the large intestine,

    the left kidney,

    adrenal gland,


    left lung and

    left hemisphere of the brain

    Figure 2.6 and 2.7

    pull the middle up

    pull toward the back to the sacrum

    2.6 left part of anus in the male

    2.6 left part of anus in the male

    2.7 left part in the female

    2.7 left part in the female

  • 2.9 right point in the female

    E Right Part of the Anus 7

    The right part of the anus chi is connected with the organ energies as follows:-

    the right ovary,

    the large intestine,

    right kidney,

    adrenal gland,


    gall bladder,

    right lung and

    right hemisphere of the brain

    fig 2.8 and 2.9

    First pull up the middle.

    And pull up to the right side.

    2.8 right part in the male

    2.8 right part in the male

By contracting the different parts of the anus, you can bring more chi to the organs and glands, and the effects of the massage will increase.


2 anus connected to organ energy

2 anus connected to organ energy


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