
July 10, 2016

How is Pain Healed in Reflexology

PAIN CAN BE HEALED Severe chronic pain and other diseases can be helped and even cured–often with just one treatment–by treating the cause (without drugs, x […]
April 29, 2016

Treating Diseases

Miserliness has almost become an inbuilt-thing in you. The whole pattern of society creates it. It wants you to snatch things from people and not to […]
April 28, 2016
concentration on the pain

Concentrate on the Pain

  Some pain is there in your body. Do one thing: forget the whole body, just concentrate on the part of the body which is painful. […]
April 28, 2016

Unwinding Mind

When you are just falling into sleep at night, just ready to fall into sleep, go backwards through the memories of the whole day — backwards. […]
April 28, 2016


The golden key of suchness is no ordinary key; it is a master key. It can work for the mind, it can work for the heart, […]