The pericardium (P-8) is the main place of energy concentration. You can collect the energy in this point and transmit stronger energy from this point. (Fig. 3.1)
Large Intestine
The large intestine (LI-4) is the major point which controls all the pain in the body, especially in the sense organs (eyes, ears, nose) and headaches. (Fig. 3.2)
Major Palm Lines
The three major palm lines are the Life Line, the Line of Intellect and the Line of Emotion. (Fig. 3.3)
Fingers have corresponding Bodily Functions
The fingers are connected to the organs’ meridians. (Fig. 3.4) The joints of the finger bones are also related to parts of the organs and their corresponding senses and emotions.
Strengthen the Extremities
Strengthening the ends of the extremities will help to stimulate the organs. The tips of the fingers have many tiny veins and arteries. (Fig. 3.5) When we get old and do not exercise enough the Chi does not flow well and its circulation becomes stuck. This can affect blood circulation, and the veins and arteries will become hardened. When we feel cool, the first places to feel cool are the hands. If you want to warm up quickly, you have to warm up the hands and feet first.
Massage the Hands to increase the Flow of Chi.
Massaging the hands and palms will help to increase the flow of Chi along the related meridians and will result in a harmonious increase of the functions of respiration, circulation and digestion.
IX. Practice:-
A. Bring Chi energy to the hands. (Fig. 3.6)
1. Inhale, contract your vagina or testicles, your buttocks, and also the part of the anus which is named—that is, the front, back, right, left, middle, or entire anus. At first you may not be sensitive to these distinctions, but eventually you will be. In general, the part of the anus which is contracted corresponds to the location of the area to be massaged. For example, you contract the left side of the anus when massaging the left lung.
2. Hold your breath and hold the contractions, clench your teeth together, and press your tongue to the roof of your mouth, as you rub your hands together vigorously. This stimulates the twelve meridians in the hands.
3. Continue to rub your hands while holding your breath and contracting your anus. Feel your face getting hot. Then, mentally picture energy flowing to your hands.
4. When your face and hands are hot, direct your attention to the appropriate area and massage that part until you are out of breath. Exhale and breathe normally. Smile and become aware of the part that is being massaged. Feel that the area is exceptionally warm and that energies are flowing.
5. Repeat this entire procedure for each area to be massaged or whenever your hands become cool. Your hands must always be very warm for self-massage. Cold hands will have very little effect on the massage.
IX. Practice.
B. Massage the hands.
Always start by rubbing your hands until they are warm.
Massage the hegu (LI-14). Press the thumb around the point in a circular motion, and press more
at the index finger bone. Find the pain point and massage it away. (Fig. 3.8)
Massage the major palm lines. Use the thumb to massage along the palm lines. Massage more
towards the thumb bone and along that bone. When a lot of emotion is held inside, find the sore point
and massage it. (Fig. 3.9)
Massage the back of the hand. Use the thumb to press along the bones on the back of the hand.
When you find a tender spot, take more time to work on it. (Figure 3-10)
Massage the fingers.
Always rub your hands until warm. Use the right hand’s fingers to wrap around the left thumb, and then, one by one, squeeze, hold and release each finger on the left hand three to six times. Start with the left hand and continue to the right hand’s fingers, according to the elements of the finger. This will greatly help to control emotions. (Figure 3-11)
For example, if at any time you are frightened or fearful, you can wrap your fingers around the little finger, starting with the left side and moving to the right side. This can be a great help when you are in a difficult situation, such as talking before a group of people, going on an interview, or meeting important people. Practicing the Heart and Kidney Sounds in conjunction with the finger wrapping may also help. The ring finger controls anger; when you are going to get angry, try to wrap it a few times to see if you still get angry.
Daily practice of the Inner Smile and the Six Healing Sounds is the best way to gain control of negative emotions. Many students are addicted to smoking, drugs or alcohol. The toxic elements found in these substances settle in the organs and nervous system, stimulating them into over-activity, and in a short period of time make people high. When the effect is over, the users will start to feel low key energy, becoming emotional and nervous. In this situation, they can use the Inner Smile and Microcosmic Orbit circulation while holding the fingers, especially the ring finger. This will calm them down. Many people use this simple way to avoid the use of drugs, smoking and alcohol. The Tao practice will give to the disciple the strength and power to clean out accumulated toxins in the system, eliminating bad habits.
X. Fingers Correspond to Emotions, Elements and Organs.
Healing Hand
Humans can build all kinds of sophisticated instruments because of the magnificence of the hands and the fingers. Another higher function of the hands is the power of healing. Knowing the major points of the hands and fingers will enable you to stimulate and maintain the organs in good function.
I. Palms
The palms are where all major energies of Chi join. The palm can be the place from which the life-force is sent out to heal others or yourself. The palm also is the place where energy can be received and enter into the bone structure and into the major organs.
II. Pericardium
The pericardium (P-8) is the main place of energy concentration. You can collect the energy in this point and transmit stronger energy from this point. (Fig. 3.1)
III. Large Intestine
The large intestine (LI-4) is the major point which controls all the pain in the body, especially in the sense organs (eyes, ears, nose) and headaches. (Fig. 3.2)
IV. Major Palm Lines
The three major palm lines are the Life Line, the Line of Intellect and the Line of Emotion. (Fig. 3.3)
V. Fingers have corresponding Bodily Functions
The fingers are connected to the organ meridians. (Fig. 3.4) The joints of the finger bones are also related to parts of the organs and their corresponding senses and emotions.
VI. Strengthen the Extremities
Strengthening the ends of the extremities will help to stimulate the organs. The tips of the fingers have many tiny veins and arteries. (Fig. 3.5) When we get old and do not exercise enough the Chi does not flow well and its circulation becomes stuck. This can affect blood circulation, and the veins and arteries will become hardened. When we feel cool, the first places to feel cool are the hands. If you want to warm up quickly, you have to warm up the hands and feet first.
VII. Massage the Hands to increase the Flow of Chi.
Massaging the hands and palms will help to increase the flow of Chi along the related meridians and will result in a harmonious increase of the functions of respiration, circulation and digestion.
VIII. Preparation